Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After years of debating and endless mails from me on “No Brainier” with the Pay Per Use (PPU) Policy, सेल्फ funding of each facility etc.. and the countless excuses from the MC’s why this cannot be done or why should it be done. The continuous banging from some other residents informing what is happening to the Swimming Pool, the garden the other areas, the garbage collection and the pathetic state we have at the entrance etc…. all this has been falling on their deaf ears for a while now.

It seems our MC suddenly seems to be “Enlightened”!!! I have seen some communication from the Chairman suggesting the PPU for running the show. WOW!! I am finally impressed!! What we say “बहुत देर से आए पर दुरुस्त आए" at least "आए तोह सहे" … At least they should have the courtsey to acknowledege that we should have done this earlier and should have not waited for so long!!

The above example reminds me of one Sharukh Khan song “I am the Best, I am the Best, I am the best”!! Bottom line...guys do not tell us what to do, we know our job and we will run this colony, we will call the shots on what needs to be done when it needs to be done, No one tells us or give us directions. All this leads to, inputs given by some of us are not taken and suddenly they realize, however the damage has happened .

Why do we wait for the damage to happen when we know it is coming, can we not be Pro-Active and plan for the Future? Don’t we all take Insurance policy and pay all our life to give our family a decent amount if we pass away, how concerned are we about our Car, a little scratch on it can give some of us sleepless nights. Similarly can we not take care of the place where we live? Is it in the hands of few individuals to decide what is right and wrong for us?

As usual the punch line “I will keep on trying my best to nurture the baby (CHCHS) which I have helped in delivering, to the best of my ability” Guess who has written this in one of the recent mails??? And then finally “….requesting all to be composed and work as a team”. Bottom line, the "team" comes at the end but “I” come First….. Cheers..........

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Colony and what we are making out of it!!!

Hi, it is so depressing for me to see the state of our once beautiful society. The builder is off and now we have to run it. Guess what, we do not have resources for Diesel, the Swimming pool is in very bad state, the re-cycling water does not work or works for whom and when only God knows, the list is endless and guys, this is just the start.

Now to top it up, no one from the MC is replying to the zillions of mails which our residents are posting on the CHRA whatever it is called…. Seems more of a grievance cell in the Government than in a society. Many members was it to be active, I am not sure for what they want it to be active when there is no one hearing on the other side, even if someone is seeing the mails, they just want to ignore it not because they do not want to do anything but because they are helpless!!!!! But why are we helpless??? Or we are trying to push the buck to our elected members who are showing their helplessness already to us…. They ay have a plan in place which is more long term, but we are getting the short term pains which should also be resolved.

Let us get together and find out a way to save our society. I am sure many of us have contacts, can we not use them for our society? For once come forward and volunteer what you can do, remember we are not forming any parallel society, we are just telling our elected folks that we are hear to help, please ask us if you (MC) want us and if you do not want us, fine with us but we are still here, just in case. Bottom line, we are not looking for account books, not for long lectures / emails on what all has been done and what is planned. What we are looking for peace and harmony in our society and this can only happen if we see a smiling face on each one of us when we meet.

Feel free to give your comments. Cheers!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome CLover Highlander's

It was very frustrating for me with the age old e-mail writing to the yahoo group and once done, it was even more painful to wait for the moderator to read it, edit/comment on it, post it or decide not to post it at all!!

I am sure we all agree that we are living in a world with the freedom of speech, be it written or oral (but within the frame work or decency)!! So why are we shackled with chains and not allowed to express our views? All views may not be good, constructive but should be posted and read, who knows what could be in for us... With this very intent I have put this blog, feel free to comment add your views, share your thoughts and make our small society open for views.

On a side note, this blog allows us to add 100 authors (which I say are us the residents) who can write new blogs. To be as an author, please drop in your e-mail address with the contact information like your full name, the Flat / Row House number you own, your contact telephone number (if you feel so). No do's and don’ts except if anyone uses foul language or gets abusive the member would be blocked.



P.S. Let's start a new Chapter for our Society....